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Your Childbirth Plan
This article can highlight some of the necessary supplies and arrangements needed in order to ensure delivery is as safe and comfortable as possible.
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Your Baby’s “Best Dressed” Tips for Winter
This article could discuss dangers associated with kids getting too cold, including frostbite and hypothermia, and offer guidelines for how to dress kids appropriately for winter according to age. A sidebar could remind parents of the importance of removing winter coats from children riding in car seats.
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Will the Fighting Ever Stop?
This article can offer tips and tricks to help parents get their children to stop fighting with each other.
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Why Parents Should Spend Less Money On Toys and Take More Family Vacations
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Why Is He Scratching?
This article can help parents distinguish between itchy skin conditions, such as heat rash, chigger bites, ringworm or poison ivy, and the welts left by a latex bandage.
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When to Use Ice vs. Heat
This article can explain when and how to use ice vs. heat for common sports injuries.
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When Does a Child Begin Reading?
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When Can Kids Get a COVID-19 Vaccine?
This article could discuss the age range of patients allowed to get the COVID-19 vaccine and when parents can expect kids to be eligible for vaccination.
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What to Do When Your Child With Autism Doesn't Speak
This article can explain why some children on the autism spectrum don't speak and strategies parents can use to help their children communicate.
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What to Do if a Child Is Choking
This article could review what a parent can do in the event a child is choking, with choking indicators to watch for and detailed instructions recommended by the American Red Cross.
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What Is Otitis Media?
This article can cover what otitis media is, why it occurs, symptoms and how to treat it.
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What Is Croup? (And What Does It Have to Do With COVID-19?)
This article could explore various causes of croup and ways to treat it.
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What Does Hearing Loss Look Like?
This article can discuss indicators of hearing loss and empower parents to spot potential problems so they can get their children the help they need.
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Weighty Words
This article can feature tips from a nutritionist, pediatrician or pediatric mental health provider for how parents can approach the issue of weight with sensitivity and encourage healthy habits.
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Watching for Signs of Mental Health Issues in Teens
This article can help parents learn how to spot the signs of anxiety or depression in teenagers.
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Waste Not, Want Not
This article can provide tips for how to teach your children to waste less food at school and home.
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Vitamin D and Babies
This article could explain the purpose and benefits of vitamin D, signs and symptoms of deficiency, and how to safely increase intake.
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Vaccinate Against Measles Before Foreign Travel
This article can cover these points and make the case for why children should receive the MMR vaccine before traveling abroad and may need to receive it earlier than recommended.
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Use UV Light to Sanitize Tech Devices
This article can describe how these products work and what to look for if you want to buy one.
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Understanding Roseola
This article can discuss this common condition and offer tips for how to recognize symptoms and when to seek care.
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Underage Arthritis
This article could help educate readers about some of the most common types of JA and symptoms parents should watch for in their children.
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Tuck It In!
This article can provide parents with advice for keeping ticks off their children, including how to perform a tick check and find the right tick repellent.
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Treating Children’s Colds
This article can explain how to treat different symptoms without relying on over-the-counter or prescription cold medications.
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Traversing the Teenage Years
This article can offer parenting tips for how to keep teenagers safe without being overprotective.
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Traits, Trends and Trajectory of Tween and Teen Cyberbullies
This article could offer advice for parents about the support teen cybervictims and cyberbullies need and give providers an opportunity to share how they can help.
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Top 10 Tips From Pediatricians
This article can identify the most important topics in which parents don't always agree doctors know best: 1) safe sleep, 2) vaccinations, 3) bike helmets, 4) sugar consumption, 5) medication safety, 6) gun safety, 7) seasonal health and safety, 8) antibiotic use, 9) car seats, and 10) screen time.
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Too Young for Chronic Pain?
This article can address common causes of chronic pain in these age groups and the different treatment options available.
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Too Busy for Veggies?
This article can explore ways to get more fruits and veggies into a busy family’s diet.
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Too Many Presents?
This article can show parents how to teach their children the joy of giving instead of placing all the focus on receiving gifts.
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Time to Go Inside
This article can provide tips for when to head indoors.
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Toddler Temper Tantrums 101
This article can outline why toddlers have temper tantrums (it's totally normal!) and how two acronyms (CALM and RIDD) can help parents prevent tantrums and know how to handle a tantrum in progress.
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Tipping the Scales on Childhood Obesity
This article can suggest how to approach the topic and how to help children make appropriate lifestyle changes.
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TikTok Tics: Should You Be Worried About Your Teens?
This article could explain how sociogenic illnesses develop and risk factors to watch out for in teens. A sidebar could address social media safety.
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The Trouble With Nickel
This article could discuss symptoms of a nickel allergy and offer tips for helping children avoid coming into contact with this metal.
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The State of Mental Health for College Students
This article can discuss the reasons students feel anxious and stressed, ways parents can better prepare children before their first day on campus, and signs to watch for if mental health struggles are suspected.
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The Spring Season and Your Child's Mental Health
This article could discuss how the spring season affects children with mental illness and how to seek help.
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The Sleep Conundrum
This article could inform parents what is happening and offer tips on how to help everyone get the rest they need.
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The Skin(ny) on Eczema
This article can include frequently asked questions about this common skin condition, such as: > Is it contagious? > Do children grow out of it? > What sort of treatments are available?
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The Right Suds
This article can discuss what to look for in hand soap and offer tips to help parents turn handwashing into a habit for their children.
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The Lasting Impact of Spending Time in Nature
Using this study as a jumping-off point, this article can discuss fun ways parents can get their children more involved in outside activities during the winter.
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The Importance of the Parent/Child Bond
This article can discuss the importance of the parent/child bond and how to help a child heal who has been separated from a parent.
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The Importance of Being Present With Your Kids
This article can remind parents to turn off the TV, put down their cellphones and interact with their children to help keep development of important skills on track.
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The Fake Sugar Shakedown
This infographic can explain the different types of artificial sugar, detail the recommended amounts per day and give parents alternatives to the sweet substitute.
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The Family Who Plays Together
This article can explore the health benefits of family time and provide tips for how to stay active together.
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The Drink Dilemma
This article can highlight the reasons why all sugary drinks (not just sodas) are detrimental to children's health and present healthy alternatives for parents and their kids.
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The Different Types of Children's ADHD
This article could discuss the various types of ADHD that affect children.
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The Benefits of Organized Sports
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The Beverage-Strewn Path to Poor Health
This discussion can examine the outsize role of these beverages in obesity and other conditions and recommend strategies to rein them in.
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The Benefits of Extended Breastfeeding
This article can discuss the benefits of extended breastfeeding. A sidebar may offer tips for moms to sustain milk supply.
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Teens and Car Safety
This article can help parents discuss car safety with children. A sidebar can discuss how to help teens avoid and/or cope with car accidents, including the emotional toll car accidents can take on those involved.
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The ABCs of ACEs
This article could provide a brief overview of what ACEs are, as well as treatment options that include therapy, meditation, exercises and more.
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Teens, Take 20
This article could explore the study’s findings and suggest ways for teens to fit 20 minutes of intense exercise into their busy schedules.
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Teens and Tanning
This article explores the safety of tanning beds, spray-on tans and self-tanners.
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Teen Hygiene Down Under
This story could focus on hygiene basics for developing teens, such as what smells are normal, what cleansers to avoid, and when to see a doctor about an unusual odor or discharge.
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Teaching Kids to Cook
This article can share cooking safety basics everyone should know and age-appropriate tasks for children ages 3 to 12.
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Teaching Kids to Swim at Every Age
This feature can cover what kind of instruction is safe for different age groups.
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Teen and Tween Hygiene
This article can discuss how to teach a child to follow good hygiene tips. A sidebar can be a good hygiene checklist.
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Teaching Kids to Cook
This article can share appropriate cooking tasks by age and what children can do to learn more about cooking. A longer article can include a kid-friendly recipe for children and parents to make together.
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Tantrum or Meltdown?
This article can help explain the triggers and motivations when a child acts out and provide specific ways parents can respond to help.
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Taming Toddler Temper Tantrums
This article could discuss the nature of temper tantrums, why they happen and when to reach out to a healthcare provider for help. A sidebar could offer tips for managing a child’s temper tantrum on the spot.
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Talking Puberty
This article can feature tips from a pediatrician about how to prepare children for puberty—whether it arrives early or not—and how to support them throughout.
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Talk to Your Child About a Therapist Visit
This article could talk about raising the subject of a visit with a counselor. A sidebar could discuss signs of depression and anxiety in children and teens.
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Taking Your Child’s Temperature
This infographic explains the various ways to take a child’s temperature and how to get the most accurate readings based on the child’s age.
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Take Good Sleep Habits to Heart
This article can discuss how parents can help their teenagers get the sleep they need, with thoughts from a pediatrician or sleep medicine specialist.
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Take Charge of Your Health
This article can inspire kids to take ownership of their health. It can include common child-related concerns, such as eating well and exercising to prevent illness, visiting the doctor, and staying safe. The article can feature an infographic tear-out (print), downloadable (digital) or sidebar element for kids to fill out before they go to the doctor to indicate aches and pains and write down any questions they have.
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Surprising Issues Related to Sleep Loss
This article could explore the connection and offer parents help for improving their child's sleep.
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Supplemental Information
This article can discuss the potential dangers of supplements and how to talk about them with children and teenagers, as well as offer tips for achieving health goals safely.
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Super Foods for Super Kids
This article can list the essential nutrients children need for healthy brain development. A sidebar can include a healthy recipe.
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Summer Water Safety
This article could discuss the basics of keeping children of all ages safe while enjoying seasonal swim activities.
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Summer Camp Is Healthy
This short can explain what those are and why camp might be a great way for kids to spend their summers.
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Stress on the Brain
This article can describe ways to minimize stress for children in school and introduce coping mechanisms they can carry into adulthood.
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Straining Health
This article can discuss how to regulate children’s screen time with eye safety in mind.
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Step Away From the Q-Tip
This article could talk about the role of earwax, why to clean it out—it's usually not necessary—and how to clean one's ears properly.
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Staying on Top of Pediatrician Visits
This article can present information about when to take one’s child for in-person pediatrician visits and how to do so safely. A sidebar can also feature telehealth options for children’s appointments.
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Stay Safe (and Healthy) in the Snow
This article could give parents tips for keeping kids safe when skiing, sledding, skating and doing other winter activities, as well as advice on avoiding getting sick.
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Spring Break Safety
This article could offer tips to ensure children make the most of their time off by following key health and safety recommendations.
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Spotlight on Stuttering
This article can present stuttering facts every parent should know—the condition often goes away on its own, for example—offer tips for helping a child who stutters, and discuss when and why to see a speech-language pathologist.
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Spotting the Signs of Depression
This article can highlight the symptoms of depression and ways to find help for teens in need.
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Sports: Encouraging Children to Have a Positive Attitude
This article could share tips for parents to model their behavior to teach good sportsmanship.
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Socially Shy: Helping Your Children Come Out of Their Shell
This article could offer suggestions for parents who struggle to encourage their shy children to socialize more.
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Snow Sport Safety
This discussion can outline each main winter sport children may engage in and ways to protect them from injury (e.g., not snowmobiling during a blizzard, wearing protective gear, etc).
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Soc It To 'Em
This article could discuss how to keep kids safe while playing the sport.
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Social Media: It's Not So Bad
This article can provide tips for parents to help their teens use social media in ways that provide positive engagement for themselves and others.
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Sleep Problems: Kid Edition
This article can discuss common sleep problems children experience and how to help them achieve better sleep.
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Skip Sugary Drinks
This article can provide tips for keeping sugary drinks to a minimum.
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Signs of a Learning Disorder
This article can describe and list common symptoms of learning disorders. It can also alert parents when it's time to discuss such problems with a pediatrician.
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Sensory Bins and Why They Work
This article could explain what a sensory bin is and why it's an effective tool for childhood development. Tips could include how to DIY a sensory bin at home, information about why motor and sensory development is important, and more.
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Selfie Obsession or Poor Body Image?
This article can offer tips to help parents differentiate between typical social media use and a potential problem, along with ways to help a child build a healthy self-image.
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Seasonal Snacks for Kids
This article will offer healthy snack ideas.
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Safe to Sleep
This article can outline all of the Safe to Sleep guidelines.
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This article can share tips for how to help children stay injury-free when cheerleading.
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Robotic Healing
This article can explore the pros and cons of this new technology.
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Recipe for Immunity
This article can discuss why mothers should continue to nurse their babies when moms are sick with a cold or the flu. Breast milk offers babies critical antibodies to help them stay well, and continuing to nurse helps keep mothers' milk supply up as they recover.
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Recent Scientific Findings for Parents
Any selection or combination of these findings could be developed into a custom article.
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Raising Curious Palates
This article can feature a dietitian’s thoughts about how to get children to try different foods and get used to eating healthy at a young age.
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Read Early, Read Often
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Putting Vitamins in Perspective
This article can identify groups of children who may benefit.
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Pumping Iron
This article can explain how parents can identify and prevent the disorder in their children.
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Protecting Kids Online
This article can give parents tips for keeping kids safe on the web. A sidebar can discuss ways to make technology more kid-friendly, including using blockers, switching to kids mode in Netflix and setting parental controls on YouTube.
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Preparing a Child for Emergencies
Tips such as whom to call and where to go if an adult isn’t present are just some of the suggestions that this article can include.
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